What's your favorite season ?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

We are almost there !

I can feel it, the pressure on my shoulders ! The Semester is coming to an end and I'm not even done with have the stuff that I have to do :o ! I feel like it was last week when class began, and i thought school would never end ! but here we are, its the last week of class and then finals ! We all just have to remember not to panic and to do what ever we can to relieve the stress in an appropriate manner :) whats everyone doing for Christmas?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The winter is creeping !

What is going on ? Two days ago it was 60 degrees outside and now its freezing ! I just looked outside my window and it looks like its going to snow any minute, now now I'm not saying it will it just looks like it  :D i don't want any confusions or rumors going around nor do i wanna be called the girl who cried snow :o lol ! how is everyone handling the Semester ? i definitely feel like everything is coming down so fast ahhh where is the time going to ? well that's all for now I'm going to check the weather, have a great weekend everyone !


Thursday, November 3, 2011


my oh my, where is the time going ?! I cannot believe that it is already November time seems to be going so fast ! I can honestly say that i don't mind it. I don't know if its just me but i cant seem to get into the hang of things this semester, I'm still in summer mode ! this is really bad everything is going by so fast...all i can really think about was a sign that my teacher had in his classroom that said "time will pass, will you?"

Thursday, October 13, 2011

...well at least its thursday

Time flies when you have a five day weekend ! i wish we had more of these i really could use it ! but we have a break coming again in November i think i could last... :) things are moving at a pretty fast pace its already October 12th ...which also means that Halloween is coming soon ! whats everyone going to be ?! is anyone brave enough to dress up to school :D ?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Finally !

This week for me has been the most hectic ! I had a philosophy test on Tuesday, AND a Theology mid term also on Tuesday..to make things even more stressful i have an Ecology test tonight ! what a week is all i can say ! as i was studying the other night i decided to look on the school calender and i realized we have Monday and Tuesday off ! boy oh boy was pleasantly surprised ! So one more day and then a relaxing weekend, now I'm on this crazy diet and its supposed to be two weeks long i keep setting myself back every weekend i mess up !! so my goal for this weekend is not to mess up ! lets see if i can do it, i know i can :D

Sunday, October 2, 2011

going after what you want ... live, laugh, and love

Do you ever just sit there and recall back on where you were a year ago ? Lately its all that I've been thinking about...and today, well today, might have changed something in me. Today i went to a friends house who has been diagnosed with brain cancer for a year. He's been so strong and he has inspired me from the first day that i found out. I don't know if i could find the words to describe how much he has touched my life, and its so sad that it takes things like this for us to stop and "smell the coffee." I know that I want to go after the things i want and stop at no cost. I want to fight for the things and people, that make me smile on a daily basis, and those who have touched my life tremendously. This time around I'm going to do what ever it takes in order to reach my goal, I've already started and i couldn't be more proud of myself. What am i trying to say with all of this? just remember to fight for the things you want, live laugh and love, and never settle for anything less than what makes you happy. 

Ralph- You are the strongest person, don't give up, we are all here for you. You are by far the bravest friend that i have ever had ! <3  Thank You for inspiring me and I'm sure that I'm not the only one whose life you have touched in such a great way ! :) <3 

I hope you all enjoyed reading this...until next time my friends :) <3 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Its already Thursday ?!

Is it me or is the week flying by ! This is one of those weeks where I wish i had a little more time to work on all of my assignments, I feel like everything just felt into my lap. I'm trying to keep everything under control, and i keep telling myself one thing at a time and everything will get done one by one. I am very excited to see what everyone is going to present in class today :) wish you all luck and i def will do my best to get the Hersey's bar :D